Our company is officially the first certified Street Lighting Project Developer (Investor Confidence Project) in Greece.
The Investor Confidence Project (ICP) is a global initiative that focuses on increasing the flow of investment to save energy by ensuring
- the detailed design of the works
- the provision of financial benefits and
- the rationale of awarding the projects
The ICP system consists of the ICP Protocols and the Investor Ready Energy EfficiencyTM Certification which provides a standard roadmap for project developers, a methodology for administrators of the projects tested on the world market and a certification system for investors and owners of street lighting systems to manage the risk (potential risks) of the project with accuracy and efficiency.
Specifically, Investor Ready Energy EfficiencyTM (IREETM) is a certification granted to projects that comply with the requirements of the ICP protocols, originated under the guidance of ICP Project Developers and certified through an independent evaluation by an ICP Quality Assurance Assessor. IREETM certified projects provide investors (banks and private funds), owners of street lighting systems (Municipalities, Regions, etc.) and other interested parties with a new level of confidence in the quality of the projects.
Specifically, Investor Ready Energy EfficiencyTM (IREETM) is a certification granted to projects that comply with the requirements of the ICP protocols, originated under the guidance of ICP Project Developers and certified through an independent evaluation by an ICP Quality Assurance Assessor. IREETM certified projects provide investors (banks and private funds), owners of street lighting systems (Municipalities, Regions, etc.) and other interested parties with a new level of confidence in the quality of the projects.
Stirixis Techniki SA, as the first certified company in Greece, as a Street Lighting Project Developer, can provide the guarantees required by investors, following ICP’s IREE certification procedures to finance energy saving projects for road system owners lighting.
Our company has undertaken a joint venture with OTE SA and Globiled A.E. the implementation of the energy saving project on the road lighting of the Municipality of Rhodes, and in a joint venture with the company Envirofina AE, based in the United Arab Emirates, has undertaken the corresponding work of the Municipality of Delphi. The set of lights to be replaced exceeds 40,000 units.